Are poinsettias, mistletoe, or holly plants dangerous?

Last winter, my wife shooed the dog and visiting toddlers away from our poinsettia plants, saying “they’re poisonous, you know.” I did not know. But it turns out that the belief that poinsettias are deadly is widespread. The same could be said for mistletoe and holly. But are their reputations for danger well-deserved? Since these […]

What to do if you think your child has the flu

Once influenza season is underway, it’s natural that if you hear your child start coughing, you wonder: could this be the flu or another virus? And if you think it is the flu, what should you do? Is it the flu, RSV, COVID –– or just a cold? It’s not always easy to tell these […]

No-cost, low-cost, and bigger splurges for climate-conscious gifts

Looking for gifts to give or donate this year? Climate-conscious gifts come in many guises. They may directly support our environment, for example, or aim to reduce fossil fuel use and electronic, textile, and food waste. Or they might offer enjoyable, creative ways to connect, reuse, and recycle — and possibly even regift. “Our purchases […]

When should you hire in-home help or health aides?

Most people want to age in place and live at home for as long as possible: according to an AARP survey, three-quarters of people 50 and older are hoping to do so. But managing this successfully may mean hiring outside help, such as health aides who can assist you with daily activities that have become […]

How healthy is sugar alcohol?

If you are trying to cut back on added sugar — and you should, because excess sugar increases risks for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease — you might be tempted by products advertised as low sugar, no sugar, or sugar-free. Many contain familiar low-calorie sugar substitutes like aspartame or sucralose instead of sugar. And as […]

Chronic fatigue syndrome is rising

Bone-deep exhaustion not eased by rest, lasting six months or more. Brain fog. Pain. These and other symptoms are hallmarks of myalgic encephalitis/chronic fatigue syndrome  (ME/CFS). People who have it find their symptoms often spike after minor daily tasks, work, and other exertions. A new CDC report estimates 3.3 million Americans — including many with […]

Plyometrics: Three explosive exercises even beginners can try

As a kid, I spent many Saturdays romping around my Florida neighborhood imitating Colonel Steve Austin, better known as The Six Million Dollar Man to avid TV watchers in the 1970s. The popular show featured a bionic man — half human and half machine — who could jump from three-story buildings, leap over six-foot-high walls, […]

The art of a heartfelt apology

If you’ve been stuck mostly at home with one or more family members over the past year, chances are you’ve gotten on one another’s nerves occasionally. When you’re under a lot of stress, it’s not uncommon say something unkind, or even to lash out in anger to someone you care about. And we all make […]

Winter hiking: Magical or miserable?

By midwinter, our urge to hibernate can start to feel constricting instead of cozy. What better antidote to being cooped up indoors than a bracing hike in the crisp air outdoors? Winter backdrops are stark, serene, and often stunning. With fewer people on the trail, you may spot more creatures out and about. And it’s […]

Magnets, sound, and batteries: Choosing safe toys

This holiday season, as parents, friends, and family set out to buy toys for children on their lists, or donate them to those in need, here are some suggestions for things you shouldn't buy — and those you should. Not all gifts need to be purchases, of course. Opportunities for play bring joy and sharpen […]