Seeking fitspiration on social media?

Now that it’s 2024, perhaps you’ve thought about taking up a new exercise program, eating better, or some other ways to improve your health. That’s great! Or, as my grandfather would say, “there’s nothing wrong with that” — his highest possible praise. In fact, few medical treatments rival the massive health benefits of regular exercise. […]

After prostate cancer treatment, a new standard of care for rising PSA

It isn’t often that a study leads to fundamental changes in how cancer patients are treated. But new research is doing just that for some men with prostate cancer that recurs after initial treatment. Post-treatment recurrence The first sign of recurrence is typically a rise in blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA should drop […]

Immune boosts or busts? From IV drips and detoxes to superfoods

Ever see ads for products that promise to supercharge immunity? Activate your body’s natural defenses? Support a healthy immune system while delivering a potent boost derived from nature’s hottest immune-enhancing ingredients? While the words may change to reflect the latest trends, the claims certainly sound amazing. But do the multitude of products promoted as immune […]

3 ways to create community and counter loneliness

Loneliness is complicated. You can feel lonely when you lack friends and miss companionship, or when you’re surrounded by people — even friends and family. Either way, loneliness can have devastating health effects. It boosts risk for coronary artery disease, stroke, depression, high blood pressure, declining thinking skills, inability to perform daily living tasks, and […]

Could men with advanced prostate cancer avoid chemotherapy?

When we think about radiation therapy, we typically picture treatments directed at tumors by a machine located outside the body. Now imagine a different scenario — one in which radioactive particles injected into the bloodstream find and destroy individual cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unscathed. The drug One such “radioligand” is already available for […]

New guidelines aim to screen millions more for lung cancer

Lung cancer kills more Americans than any other malignancy. The latest American Cancer Society (ACS) updated guidelines aim to reduce deaths by considerably expanding the pool of people who seek annual, low-dose CT lung screening scans. Advocates hope the new advice will prompt more people at risk for lung cancer to schedule yearly screening, says […]

A fresh look at risks for developing young-onset dementia

Dementia usually develops in people ages 65 years and older. So-called young-onset dementia, occurring in those younger than age 65, is uncommon. Now, a new study published in December 2023 in JAMA Neurology has identified 15 factors linked to a higher risk of young-onset dementia. Let’s see what they found, and — most importantly — […]

Thinking of trying Dry January? Steps for success

Let’s file this under unsurprising news: the COVID pandemic prompted the biggest spike in alcohol consumption seen in 50 years. Illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths linked to alcohol misuse rose as well.     Yet even before the pandemic sparked disruptions, losses, stress, and isolation, alcohol use among older adults had been trending upward. And a quarter […]